Hello OpenAstronomy community!
Two days ago, Google announced the list of selected contributors to participate on GSoC this year. The selected are:
For #sunpy
- Akshit Tyagi to work in Sunpy’s Scraper Redesign
- Aritra Sinha will improve Solar Feature Representation for HEK (Heliophysics Event Knowledgebase)
For GNUAstro,
- Labib Asari which will work on Gnuastro Python Library and Cuda Integration
For Stingray,
- Gaurav Joshi to work on Quasi Periodic Oscillation detection using Gaussian Processes, and
- Sri Guru Datta Pisupati will develop code for Unevenly Sampled Data
For Radis,
- Menasria Racim will work on a Common API for large molecular databases, and
- Somesh Verma will work with Out of Core Calculations to reduce memory uses.
As you see, there’s a lot of amazing and exciting projects that will improve our ecosystem.
The work will start at the end of May, and we will be organising a series of events so you can follow up with the progress. As usual, they will be posting regular blog posts that will be aggregated on our Open Astronomy Universe.
Please, join me to congratulate all of them and thank the wonderful mentors that will be guiding them throughout this journey.