Sunpy 6.0 release

The SunPy Project present to you the latest release of sunpy, version 6.0.

In this major release, new features include:

:date: Overhaul of dates in sunpy Maps
:world_map: Support for ADvanced Adaptive Prediction Technique (ADAPT) data
:globe_with_meridians: New PlanarScreen context manager
:heavy_multiplication_x: Method to compute the rotation matrix between two SPICE frames
:name_badge: Fix filename sanitization for downloaded files from the VSO

There are also plenty of bug fixes, documentation improvements, and several removals of deprecated functionality.

The full what’s new can be found at What’s New in sunpy 6.0? — sunpy 6.0 documentation 2, and the full changelog at Full Changelog — sunpy 6.0 documentation.

To update you can run either:

“pip install --upgrade sunpy” (for pip users)
“conda update sunpy” (for conda users)

:clap: Finally, we would like to give a shout out to new contributors to sunpy for this major release: Ahmed Hossam, Aniket Mishra, Ashish Bastola, Chris R. Gilly, Clément Robert, Ghaith Kdimati, Jayraj Dulange, Manit Singh, Mubin Manasia, Piyush Sharma, Rehan Chalana, Sijie Yu, Sirjan Hansda, Yash Malik, Zach Burnett and graham.

SunPy is a community powered project, and would not exist without continual input from contributors around the world!