I’m using astropy to do the simple task of converting ITRF Cartesian coordinates of satellite positions to geodetic coordinates (lat, lon, height). However, since yesterday, after fiddling/fixing some issues with other packages in my pipenv environment, I’m always getting a ValueError when using to_geodetic on my M1 Mac (Apple Silicon). This always used to run fine.
I don’t think it is related to those other packages I fiddled with, because the sample code below, with just astropy and Jupyter lab installed in the same way in a clean pipenv environment still works well on an older Intel MacBook Pro. So although I’m not 100% sure, the error might be isolated to the M1 Mac architecture or the way that astropy is compiled for that platform. If someone knows some further steps to debug this, I will be happy to try.
Here’s my minimal example code that triggers the ValueError:
import astropy
import astropy.coordinates as coord
import astropy.units as u
itrs = coord.ITRS([7000, 1000, 1000]*u.km)
geo = itrs.earth_location.to_geodetic()
And here’s the output:
ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[6], line 6
4 print(astropy.__version__)
5 itrs = coord.ITRS([7000, 1000, 1000]*u.km)
----> 6 geo = itrs.earth_location.to_geodetic()
File ~/.local/share/virtualenvs/test-PbZKQCzX/lib/python3.10/site-packages/astropy/coordinates/earth.py:612, in EarthLocation.to_geodetic(self, ellipsoid)
610 ellipsoid = _check_ellipsoid(ellipsoid, default=self.ellipsoid)
611 xyz = self.view(self._array_dtype, u.Quantity)
--> 612 llh = CartesianRepresentation(xyz, xyz_axis=-1, copy=False).represent_as(
613 ELLIPSOIDS[ellipsoid]
614 )
615 return GeodeticLocation(
616 Longitude(llh.lon, u.deg, wrap_angle=180 * u.deg, copy=False),
617 llh.lat << u.deg,
618 llh.height << self.unit,
619 )
File ~/.local/share/virtualenvs/test-PbZKQCzX/lib/python3.10/site-packages/astropy/coordinates/representation.py:919, in BaseRepresentation.represent_as(self, other_class, differential_class)
912 raise ValueError(
913 "Input to a representation's represent_as must be a class, not "
914 "a string. For strings, use frame objects."
915 )
917 if other_class is not self.__class__:
918 # The default is to convert via cartesian coordinates
--> 919 new_rep = other_class.from_cartesian(self.to_cartesian())
920 else:
921 new_rep = self
File ~/.local/share/virtualenvs/test-PbZKQCzX/lib/python3.10/site-packages/astropy/coordinates/earth.py:939, in BaseGeodeticRepresentation.from_cartesian(cls, cart)
933 @classmethod
934 def from_cartesian(cls, cart):
935 """
936 Converts 3D rectangular cartesian coordinates (assumed geocentric) to
937 WGS84 geodetic coordinates.
938 """
--> 939 lon, lat, height = erfa.gc2gd(
940 getattr(erfa, cls._ellipsoid), cart.get_xyz(xyz_axis=-1)
941 )
942 return cls(lon, lat, height, copy=False)
File ~/.local/share/virtualenvs/test-PbZKQCzX/lib/python3.10/site-packages/erfa/core.py:15845, in gc2gd(n, xyz)
15771 def gc2gd(n, xyz):
15772 """
15773 Transform geocentric coordinates to geodetic using the specified
15774 reference ellipsoid.
15844 """
> 15845 elong, phi, height, c_retval = ufunc.gc2gd(n, xyz)
15846 check_errwarn(c_retval, 'gc2gd')
15847 return elong, phi, height
File ~/.local/share/virtualenvs/test-PbZKQCzX/lib/python3.10/site-packages/astropy/units/quantity.py:673, in Quantity.__array_ufunc__(self, function, method, *inputs, **kwargs)
670 arrays.append(converter(input_) if converter else input_)
672 # Call our superclass's __array_ufunc__
--> 673 result = super().__array_ufunc__(function, method, *arrays, **kwargs)
674 # If unit is None, a plain array is expected (e.g., comparisons), which
675 # means we're done.
676 # We're also done if the result was None (for method 'at') or
677 # NotImplemented, which can happen if other inputs/outputs override
678 # __array_ufunc__; hopefully, they can then deal with us.
679 if unit is None or result is None or result is NotImplemented:
ValueError: Invalid data-type for array