Installation of Python and sunpy

I am new in Python and sunpy. I started to install it and after miniforge was installed I did “conda list”, but, first it asks is it _conda list and if I say no then I get “conda: Command not found.” It seems that install did not work. Can someone help, please? Alen

Hello @Alen,

During the installation process for miniforge, I think that it asks if you want to add conda to your local shell. Sometimes this is does not trigger, so you can run /path/to/where/you/installed/miniforge/bin/conda shell init to add it there.

Then you can restart your shell by opening a new one and the conda command should work then.

Hello @nanobalis,

thank you for your answer. It seems to me that the problem is that I don’t know how to perform the following kine which I get at the end of
bash Miniforge3…:

For changes to take effect, close and re-open your current shell. <


If you open a new terminal, that should work hopefully.

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Hello @nanobalis,

thank you for the answer. I tried that, but didn’t work. I had to restart the computer.


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Hi Alen. I think you could install Anaconda Navigator and use Python (Spyder or Jupyter Notebook) and then pip install sunpy through anacondaprompt. You may also do this directly by installing Python from its main webpage then pip install sunpy in command prompt or terminal.

I tried this for both windows 11 and linux pop os. It’s working great in both. Hope this helps.

While you can do that, SunPy provides no support for that configuration.

Hi TheNovusCoder,

thank you for the message! As said in the next answer it would not help me for SunPy.