Elided columns and number formats in TimeSeries

By default, TimeSeries display with elided columns “…”, as can be seen in the first example in the documentation. In my case, I have a three-vector, and the middle value is elided. This happens even when I have a wide screen which could easily accommodate all three numbers. How can I control whether the value is shown or not?

In addition, I am interested in finding out how to control the numeric format that is printed - significant figures, scientific notation, etc.

Hello @liamh,

Not sure if this is helpful but there should be a BaseTimeSeries — Astropy v7.0.0 call that should display all of the columns.

For changing the format, someone else will hopefully say how to do that.
For tables (it might be the same for timeseries), there is a .info which you can then access the metadata for each column and change the representation.

From Data Tables (astropy.table) — Astropy v7.0.0

 a   b   c    d
            m / s
--- --- --- -----
  1 2.0   x  10.0
  4 5.0   y  20.0
  5 8.5   z  30.0

t['b'].info.format = '7.3f'
 a     b     c    d
                m / s
--- ------- --- -----
  1   2.000   x  10.0
  4   5.000   y  20.0
  5   8.500   z  30.0

Thanks for the tip. I checked those calls, and pprint() and pprint_all() both look promising. However, they don’t affect anything in the output; I even did mytable.pprint_all(max_width=5000) and it simply turns the headers red; the middle values of the vectors are still replaced with ...

Doing mytable['columnname'].info.format = '9.1f' indeed has the desired effect. Thanks!

In that case, that seems like a bug to me. It would be worth reporting on GitHub and seeing what the astropy maintainers have to say about it.

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