I am trying to write a piece of python code that allows me to send tables back and forth between a jupyter notebook and TOPCAT. Reading the Astropy documentation, I found out that the best way to do so is using the SAMP protocol (SAMP (Simple Application Messaging Protocol) (astropy.samp) — Astropy v5.3.3).
Following this specific tutorial: Sending and Receiving Tables and Images over SAMP — Astropy v5.3.3
I managed to write a piece of code to send an astropy.table.Table to TOPCAT as below:
from astropy.table import Table
from astropy.samp import SAMPIntegratedClient
def send_to_TOPCAT(astropy_table, table_name='table_from_jupyter',
#makes a local copy for the table
astropy_table.write(directoty + table_name + '.fits', format='fits',
client = SAMPIntegratedClient()
#define params
params = {}
params["url"] = 'file:' + directoty + table_name + '.fits'
params["name"] = table_name
#write the message to be sent
message = {}
message["samp.mtype"] = "table.load.fits"
message["samp.params"] = params
This currently works but only in specific cases as it has two main issues:
I have to save the table locally as a fits file before defining a URL to a local file and sending it to TOPCAT.
This only works for some tables. For example, some tables retrieved directly from ViZier using
will return the error when I try to save it locally:
ValueError: The header keyword ‘description’ with its value is too long
To go around the issue number 2., I tried to change the table format to csv by saving it as such and changing message["samp.mtype"] = "table.load.fits"
to “table.load.csv”, but this does neither work nor returns an error.
I did some googling but I couldn’t find anywhere in the astropy
documentation or elsewhere a list of what are the “samp.mtype” allowed.
My questions are: Does anyone know how to access the possible “samp.mtype”?
Also: Does anyone know if it would be possible to pass a params["url"]
that instead of pointing to a local file with a table, points instead to an astropy.table.Table
in the active jupyter session?
Thanks a lot in advance!