File not found tutoriel d'astropy

j’essaye d’utiliser le tutoriel d"astropy :

Coordonnées astronomiques 2 : Transformation des systèmes de coordonnées et des représentations

lorsque j’execute
tbl =‘Cantat-Gaudin-open-clusters.ecsv’)
j’ai la reponse
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ‘Cantat-Gaudin-open-clusters.ecsv’

je travaille avec anaconda et astropy 5

Je pense q’il faut télécharger ce fiche (excusez mon Français) – @adrn: I do not see any link to the ECSV file on the tutorial page, only to the Vizier entry – has that been lost during a page update or something?

Ah, yes, we are working on revamping the notebook download button from the rendered HTML pages. But the files are all in the astropy-tutorials repository – specifically, for that file:
You can see other files here: astropy-tutorials/tutorials/astropy-coordinates at main · astropy/astropy-tutorials · GitHub

Thanks for these informations